Hospitality Financial Model Template Package

This is a collection of financial model templates for businesses in the hospitality industry and its related sectors

Hospitality financial model bundle
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This is a collection of financial model templates for businesses in the Hospitality Industry and its related sectors. To help you save some money from having to buy the model templates separately, we gathered some related financial model templates from the hospitality industry category and put it on a bundle. This bundle includes the following financial model templates:

Hospitality Financial Models

  • Hotel Valuation Financial Model – This financial model provides a framework to value a hotel via the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. It focuses on the DCF value with an additional Sensitivity Analysis to it while the IRR Analysis only included in a separate Hotel Investment Model as mentioned below. Included in the bundle is the Excel Model Version.
  • Hotel Investment Financial Model – This model is an alternative version of the Hotel Valuation Model mentioned above, which its main focus lies on the calculation and analysis of the IRR (levered and unlevered). Included in the bundle is the Full Version (Excel).
  • Tourism Project Financial Model – This financial model template helps you to come up with a bottom-up forecast for a new tourism project such as e.g. a cable-car company, a visitor park, a museum, or any other tourist attraction driven by the number of visitors. Included in the bundle is the Full Excel Model.
  • Restaurant Chain Valuation Model – This financial model assists entrepreneurs to build a financial plan for a restaurant chain (can handle up to 50 restaurants). Included in the bundle is the Full Version.
  • DCF Valuation Model Restaurant – This model provides a business plan in the form of an Excel Template to value a restaurant based on the Discounted Cash Flow Method. Included in the bundle is the Excel Model.

The value of this product bundle is USD 205.75 while the offering price is USD 102.88 (at a 50% Price Discount!)

All finance models above come as Excel Files.

To know more in detail about the financial model templates’ description, please click on their corresponding links and a new tab showing the landing page of the product will open for you.


Below are sample screenshots of each financial model template and a link to their detailed model description:

Tourism Project Financial Model

Model description

Tourism financial model template


Restaurant Chain Valuation Model

Model description

financial ratios for restaurant chain business financial model


DCF Valuation Model Restaurant

Model description



Hotel Valuation Financial Model

Model description



Hotel Investment Financial Model

Model description



The financial model templates in this bundle are available for download for users all over the globe such as in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, and many more that are in need of assistance with their financial modeling tasks.

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