Free to Download – Dynamic Chart in Excel

A dynamic chart is a special chart in Excel which updates itself when the range of the chart is updated. In static charts, the chart does not change itself when the range is updated.

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The step-by-step video tutorial can be found from the link below:

You can download the excel file / worked example from this page.

A dynamic chart is a special chart in Excel which updates itself when the range of the chart is updated. In static charts, the chart does not change itself when the range is updated.
To create a dynamic chart in Excel, the range or the source of data needs to be dynamic in nature.
The differences between a static chart and a dynamic chart are listed as follows:

– A static chart does not change in appearance throughout its usage, while a dynamic chart reacts to the actions performed by the user.

– The display of a static chart remains the same irrespective of a change in its source of data. On the other hand, the display of a dynamic chart changes with an expansion or contraction of data.

– Static charts are used in reports and are created for documentation purposes. In contrast, dynamic charts are used in businesses where there is a need to evolve the chart elements in response to the changing business conditions.

– A static chart is a snapshot of the existing data and is non-interactive in nature. In contrast, a dynamic chart is data-aware, implying that it is connected with the changes in business data.

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